Managing Fear and Greed in a Retirement Account

If any of us knew what was going to be the “best” investment in the future we would not be worried about our 401k, 403b or other retirement account! Since most of us are normal people (who are not experts in financial markets) we have to come to terms with our limitations; yet we are also able to take advantage of our strengths. With a little reading and life experience we get to know that we are moved to act by fear way before greed, however when greed kicks in our fear temporally goes out the window!

The way we control both is with information and understanding. We get all the information we can to make informed decisions as we understand who we are and what our main financial goal is. If we have taken the time to do these two things (they are different for everyone but similar for most of us) we can begin to master both fear and greed in managing our 401k or 403b account.

No matter what our investment decisions are or how we perceive the future, most of us will be better off if we have developed a “process” for managing information and have given thought to “who we are” to understand our motivation. So build your own process, and define who you are and what your goals are when investing. Today there is a ton of information and lots of tools out there to assist in your process of managing fear and greed. Gain confidence in your decision making by adding 401k-checkup to your tool kit to help you test how you invest your 401k, 403b or other retirement account. Good luck!

401k-checkup team ™ is a wholly owned site of PSDS Portfolio Design, Inc. ™ * 1401 Dove Street, Suite 420 * Newport Beach, CA 92660 * 949-975-0958
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